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Big daddy update

Google’s Big Daddy Update December 2005

Google’s Big Daddy update, which began rolling out in December 2005, had a significant impact on the quality of search engine results pages (SERPs). This infrastructure update was openly discussed and announced by Google, setting it apart from many other updates that remain unconfirmed by the company, despite evidence found by SEO professionals.

The gradual rollout of the Big Daddy update spanned several months, with completion occurring in March 2006. Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s webspam team at the time, informally announced the new infrastructure rollouts. Google tested the update on two servers and shared their IP addresses with the SEO community, encouraging feedback and testing from professionals.

During a Q&A session at Pubcon 2005, Cutts announced the rollout of the new data centers associated with the Big Daddy update. The lunchroom discussion following the session led to the suggestion of the name “Big Daddy” by an attendee named Jeff M. Cutts embraced the name, and it became the official title for the update.

SEO professionals eagerly tested the new servers and provided feedback to Google through a dedicated feedback form. The overall response to the update was positive, with minimal complaints reported. Some authoritative figures in the SEO community expressed satisfaction with the results of the Big Daddy update. However, there were instances where unrelated issues were mistakenly attributed to the update, causing some confusion.

During the same period as the Big Daddy update, Google introduced the supplemental index, which supplemented the main index with less-filtered results. Websites that ended up in the supplemental index were often associated with duplicate content or doorway pages. Cutts emphasized that sites affected by the supplemental index might not necessarily be impacted by the Big Daddy update, as they were separate updates.

Another topic related to the Big Daddy update was the so-called Google sandbox, an unconfirmed filter that allegedly affected the rankings of newer websites. Cutts mentioned issues such as low trust in incoming or outbound links and link buying/selling as factors causing ranking drops during the Big Daddy update. However, the sandbox effect and low-quality links were distinct phenomena.

The term “Google Dance” referred to the periodic fluctuations in search results that occurred in the past but had ceased by the time of the Big Daddy update. Some individuals mistook the gradual rollout of Big Daddy for a Google Dance, resulting in misidentification.

The purpose of the Big Daddy update was not explicitly detailed by Google. It was classified as an infrastructure update aimed at improving the quality of search results. Feedback from the SEO community focused on URL canonicalization, the in url search operator, and 302/301 redirects. Cutts confirmed that the update addressed issues related to low-quality links, including excessive reciprocal linking, spammy neighborhood links, and algorithmic detection of paid links.

Despite discussions and speculations from various sources, there is no definitive proof regarding the specific aspects targeted by the Big Daddy update. Cutts’ personal blog and interviews on SEO podcasts served as the main sources of information about the update.

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